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By John Gary Maxwell

In 1832 Joseph Smith, Jr., the Mormons’ first prophet, foretold of an excellent battle starting in South Carolina. within the opponents’ mutual destruction, God’s reasons will be served, and Mormon males might upward push to shape a geographical, political, and theocratic “Kingdom of God” to surround the earth. 3 many years later, whilst Smith’s prophecy failed with the top of the yank Civil warfare, the us left torn yet intact, the Mormons’ point of view at the conflict—and their inaction in it—required palliative revision. In The Civil struggle Years in Utah, the 1st complete account of the occasions that happened in Utah Territory in the course of that battle, John Gary Maxwell contradicts the patriotic mythology of Mormon leaders’ model of this darkish bankruptcy in Utah history.

whereas the Civil battle unfold dying, tragedy, and sorrow around the continent, Utah Territory remained almost untouched. even though the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—and its faithful—proudly compliment the provider of an 1862 Mormon cavalry corporation in the course of the Civil struggle, Maxwell’s study exposes the fairly inconsequential contribution of those Nauvoo Legion infantrymen. energetic for an insignificant 90 days, they patrolled overland trails and telegraph lines.

additionally, Maxwell reveals undeniable proof of Southern allegiance between Mormon leaders, regardless of their declare of staunch, long-standing loyalty to the Union. males on the optimum degrees of Mormon hierarchy have been in shut own touch with accomplice operatives. In looking sovereignty, Maxwell contends, the Saints engaged in blatant and treasonous clash with Union specialists, the California and Nevada Volunteers, and federal guidelines, time and again skirting open conflict with the U.S. government.

Collective reminiscence of this consequential interval in American heritage, Maxwell argues, has been ill-served by means of a one-sided point of view. This attractive and long-overdue reappraisal eventually fills within the gaps, telling the total tale of the Civil struggle years in Utah Territory.

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The Civil War Years in Utah: The Kingdom of God and the Territory That Did Not Fight by John Gary Maxwell

by John

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